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Northern Lights Drink

Northern Lights Drink

  • Author: Marie Lavigne


  • 1 oz Blue Curacao
  • 1 oz Grenadine
  • 1 oz Pineapple Juice
  • 1 oz Vodka
  • Ice cubes
  • Edible glitter (optional, for extra sparkle)
  • Citrus slices for garnish


  1. 1 oz Blue Curacao
  2. 1 oz Grenadine
  3. 1 oz Pineapple Juice
  4. 1 oz Vodka
  5. Ice cubes
  6. Edible glitter (optional, for extra sparkle)
  7. Citrus slices for garnish


  1. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes.
  2. Pour in the Grenadine slowly, allowing it to settle at the bottom.
  3. Carefully layer the Blue Curacao over the back of a spoon to create a distinct blue layer.
  4. Next, layer the Pineapple Juice in the same way.
  5. Top off with Vodka poured slowly to maintain the layers.
  6. Add a pinch of edible glitter for that extra sparkle.
  7. Garnish with a slice of citrus and serve immediately.


  • To achieve the perfect layers, always pour each ingredient over the back of a spoon slowly.
  • Edible glitter adds a magical touch but is optional.
  • Use fresh Pineapple Juice for the best flavor.


  • Calories: 210
  • Sugar: Sugar: 18g
  • Protein: 0mg
  • Cholesterol: 0mg